Information Clinics/Networks Should Be Able to Provide to Patients
Patients have expressed the need for clinics or networks of providers to answer questions about the services offered, clinical experience with concussion care, and general and specific information about treatment course.
Questions clinics should be prepared to answer for patients and prospective patients
Answers can be provided using a variety of modalities (website, pamphlet, over the telephone or in-person).
- What experience does the clinic have in concussion and traumatic brain injury?
- How many patients with concussion are seen at your clinic?
- Is there a particular population that your clinic focuses on? (age or cause of injury)
- What is the clinic’s experience working with the school system? If needed do you speak with the school and get involved in the return to school plan?
- Will a medical professional be involved in my care?
- Who makes the decisions about treatment?
- What professionals are involved in your clinic?
- Do the professionals here work as a team to support care? (Do you work as part of a team?)
- What is the expected wait time?
- What services and treatments are offered at your clinic?
- What services, treatments at your clinic are covered by OHIP? By Group Benefits? By other insurance? By myself?
- If patients are not able to pay for all the services offered, what other options are available to them?
- Which healthcare professional will clear patients to return to work/school/sports?
- If patients require services or treatments outside of your clinic will you continue to see them?
- If patients have been seen at the clinic for a considerable amount of time, you might want to provide answers to these questions.
- If the symptoms a patent is experiencing are outside of what your clinic offers where else can patients be referred?
- Will your clinic continue to patients if they are referred to someone else?
- What should happen while patients are waiting for a referral appointment?
- If I have problems from my concussion that are outside of what your clinic offers do you know who to refer me to?
- Will your clinic continue to see me if I am referred to someone else?
- What happens while I am waiting for the referral appointment?